Global Impact


nairobi, kenya

A 2019 mission trip sparked the beginning of what has become LACC’s global impact in Nairobi, Kenya. We were destined for a global footprint, initially thinking, we would start with our hearts deep desire to dig wells, in parts of the world where communities are in crisis for clean drinking water.

Water is the earth’s most valuable natural resource yet so limited in consumption form in so many countries, states, and cities. Our time to dig will come. From 2019 to now, we have been captured by our call to Kenya. We have discovered a drastic need to offer support to their local orphanages through varied means, and sharing resources we freely have; yet often taken for granted.

We have aligned our hearts with a few specific orphanages. We discovered new ways to make greater impact for good each month. Your monetary support is the difference in a meal, medical care, education, clothing, water, and so much more. Little to you equates to so much more to the children.

amazing wonders orphanage

Amazing Wonders Rescue Mission was discovered in 2017 by a woman named Jacenta. Jacenta volunteered with an organization feeding kids in the streets of Kenya. She didn’t personally have children but her heart broke seeing the young without. She would spend time cleaning houses to earn enough money to feed the kids. One day, she was feeding kids she had fed many times before, and their mother never returned home. From that point, Jacenta took in the kids. Ever since, she has been taking in abandoned kids from the streets. These kids have been abandoned by their biological parents. To date, Jacenta houses 57 children ranging from newborn to college age.

happy life

Child abandonment happens at an all time high in Kenya. Many babies are abandoned by their families and left in trash heaps, left on the streets, and several other places. Happy Life has over 100 abandoned children they have rescued from birth. Once in their care, the nurturing women at this facility, nurture these babies back to good health.

feeding beyond the moment

Feeding beyond the moment is our global effort to aid in breaking generational poverty, abandonment, and curses by presenting opportunities. Realistically, we can’t save the world, but we can start a chain reaction and that is what we intend to do. We strive to serve with focus and intentionality so we can strategically impact change with excellence. Our hearts are overwhelmed with sadness for how great the need is. Each year, we spend time working to expose more people to new areas they can impact change with and through us.

Feeding beyond the moment is answering God’s call to to go and make disciples of all nations. He has chosen LACC to be a conduit. We are appointed to tangibly demonstrate evidence God is with them always, and he has unwavering love for them.  Our ultimate goal is to “Love As Christ Commands”, which is what we’ve set out to do since conception of the LACC Foundation, 2012.

Upcoming Mission Trip

If you are interested in joining us for our mission trip 2024 to Nairobi, please complete the interest form. Travel times are typically February 7th-14th of each year. This is an evolutionary experience.